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Lab.SCHC FullSDK was designed with the following characteristics in mind; developers should consider them during the development process:

  • Event-based library to facilitate the integration in different execution environments( bare-metal, RTOS).
  • Provide well-defined interfaces and behaviour, so that testing stubs can be implemented.
  • Application agnostic (CoAP, DLMS,...).
  • Support any L2 stack.
  • Modularity. Different layers or services may be enabled or disabled.
  • Platform agnostic: must let the users (i.e. the developers using the SDK) use their usual tools and paradigms.
  • Low-power modes support.
  • Forbid dynamic memory allocation.

For more information, please refer to the FullSDK Concepts page.

Intended audience#

This manual is intended for integrators/developers. It presumes that its readers have some familiarity with embedded software development, and with Internet of Things (IoT) domain.

You may also find the following documents useful:

  1. FullSDK Concepts
  2. SCHC: Generic Framework for Static Context Header Compression and Fragmentation