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Getting Started#

In this section you will find all the information you need to start developing applications using our SDK. Make sure you have the supported hardware and software, although developers are encouraged to make their own integrations.

A practical and comprehensive how-to guide is also presented to help newcomers configure, flash, and deploy their own applications implementing lab.SCHC FullSDK.

Requisites and Compatibility#

The hardware, operating systems, libraries, and third-party software in this section are recommendations for optimal use.

Support Recommendation
OS The library can be integrated into any OS (Bare Metal, RTOS). The integration is made by the system integrator (or embedded system developers).
Hardware/Board ST NUCLEO-L476RG micro-controller.
Hardware/Shield SX1272, SX1276.
Hardware/Serial Serial port terminal such as minicom.
L2A The level-two adaptation (L2A) layer is usually provided by the integrator and should implement the (L2A) interface of the SDK.


The current version of lab.SCHC FullSDK focuses on enabling SCHC for LoRaWAN networks. To test the SDK you will need to register a device on the LNS of your preference. We recommend using Actility's ThingPark Community.

SCHC Gateway#

The SCHC Gateway is a cloud-based platform running within the network and is the entity in charge of converting SCHC packets into IP packets. It acts as a middlebox between the constrained network and the application server, enabling the client application to communicate with the end devices using the IP protocol.

The current version of lab.SCHC FullSDK is fully compatible with Actility's SCHC IPCore. Compatibility with IMT Atlantique's OpenSCHC is currently in development. Stay tuned!

Development environment#

Setting up a development environment is easy and flexible. You will need to clone the lab.SCHC FullSDK Delivery repository and initialize its submodules. Then, you can open the code base using your editor of choice, such as Visual Studio Code or STM32CubeIDE.

git clone
cd full-sdk-delivery
git submodule update --init --recursive

Install the GNU ARM Toolchain#

An ARM cross compiler is required in order to build the firmware that will be flashed on the devices. It can be retrieved and installed with the following commands:

cd /opt
wget -O archive.tar.bz2 ""
tar xf archive.tar.bz2 -C /opt

Additionnal dependencies#

The LoRa Semtech stack source tree is also required in order to build the firmware. It can be retrieved at the following URL:

Once downloaded, it needs to be extracted at a place where the compiler will find it.

cd /opt
sudo unzip

Building applications#

Lab.SCHC FullSDK is designed to build applications using CMake (>= 3.21). OpenOCD version 0.10.0 needs to be installed for our cmake files to run properly.

The examples/ directory contains some example applications implementing lab.SCHC FullSDK. In order to build an example application, you can run the following command:

cmake -S . -B ./build -DAPP_NAME=<app_name> -DTOOLCHAIN=<toolchain> -DTARGET=<target> -DL2_STACK=<l2_stack> && make -C ./build


  • app_name is the name of the application in the examples folder
  • toolchain and target corresponds to the compilation toolchain and the associated target to be used. It should be one of the supported toolchain/target in the full-sdk/toolchains/ folder.
  • l2_stack is the type of L2 stack to be used. It should be one of the supported L2 stacks listed in the l2 folder

To compile an application in debug mode, you need to set -DDEBUG_ENABLED=ON.

For some applications, additional environment variables need to be set. You can check the README file of the corresponding application for specific build instructions.

Visual Studio Code CMake integration#

Integrating CMake into Visual Studio Code IDE will ease the compilation process, directly through the IDE, instead of compiling through a terminal.

  1. Be sure to have CMake and CMake Tools extensions installed.
  2. Add an ARM GCC compiler for cross-compilation: search for “CMake: Edit User-Local CMake Kits” on the top tab using the CTRL+MAJ+P command. A "cmake-tools-kits.json" is opened.
  3. Add the specific toolchain for your project and for your target.
    "name": "GCC 11.2 ARM",
    "compilers": {
      "C": "/opt/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc"
    "isTrusted": true
  1. Configure project compilation by editing (or creating) the .vscode/settings.json file and adding a new cmake.configureArgs field to specify compilation definitions.
    "cmake.configureArgs": [
  1. Compile using the CMake commands:
    • Clean with CTRL+MAJ+P -> "Cmake: Clean".
    • Build with CTRL+MAJ+P -> "Cmake: Build".

Erasing the microcontroller#

The memory of the microcontroller can be erased by executing the following command in the repository directory:

OPENOCD_TARGET=<openocd.cfg> make -C openocd/ erase

where openocd.cfg is the ".cfg" file in the openocd directory that is made for the selected microcontroller architecture.

Flashing the microcontroller#

The executable file of the example can be flashed into the microcontroller by executing the following command in the repository directory:

OPENOCD_TARGET=<openocd.cfg> BIN_FILE=build/<toolchain>/<target>/<app_name>.bin make -C openocd/ flash


To compile an application in debug mode, you need to set -DDEBUG_ENABLED=ON.

It is possible to debug applications in the full-sdk-delivery repository (full-sdk-delivery/examples/) in three ways:

  • debugging with OpenOCD and GDB on CLI.
  • debugging with OpenOCD and GDB on Visual Studio Code.
  • debugging with STM32CubeIDE (recommended).

The main interest of STM32CubeIDE compared to Visual Studio Code is that it allows to set watchpoints. VS Code supports an equivalent mechanism, data breakpoints, but it appears that this mechanism is not supported in current debugger configuration.

NOTE: To generate the ELF file, copy the application file build/<toolchain>/<platform>/<app> as <app.elf>.

Debugging on CLI#

  1. Start OpenOCD GDB server:
OPENOCD_TARGET=<openocd.cfg> make -C openocd/ debug
  1. Start GDB client with the absolute path of the executable:
/opt/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb /path/to/full-sdk-delivery/build/<platform>/<example_name>.elf
  1. Connect to OpenOCD GDB server:
target remote localhost:3333
  1. Put microcontroller into reset state:
monitor reset halt
  1. Load the executable into the microcontroller:
  1. Standard GDB commands can now be executed:

Debugging on VS Code#

  1. Install Cortex-Debug extension on Visual Studio Code Marketplace (version 0.4.1, as the latest one is not working).

  2. Edit or create the .vscode/launch.json configuration file with the following content:

  "type": "cortex-debug",
  "request": "launch",
  "servertype": "openocd",
  "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
  "name": "STM32 Debug",
  "armToolchainPath": "/opt/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin",
  "executable": "",
  "configFiles": [
  1. Set the executable field of the launch configuration with the relative path of the executable of the example application that will be debugged:
"executable": "./build/<platform>/<example_name>.elf"
  1. Set the configFiles field of the launch configuration with the absolute path of the configuration file of the related board:

  2. For B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board:

"configFiles": [
  • For NUCLEO-L476RG board:
"configFiles": [
  1. Start debugging by *Debug -> Start Debugging (F5) on VS Code menu bar.

Debugging on STM32CubeIDE#

The only prerequisite is STM32CubeIDE (STM32CubeMX is required only when creating a project).

  1. Build the application for Debug as explained previously.

  2. Create a new, simple STM32 project for the target board being used.

  3. Create a debug configuration, and verify that the project runs in debug mode.

  4. In the debug configuration, set the C/C++ Application field to the absolute path to the ELF file corresponding to the application to debug.

C/C++ Application:

The ELF file embeds links to source code files, so there is no need to declare them in STM32CubeIDE.

To set a breakpoint, open a source file using the File > Open File… menu, and mark the line by double clicking next to the line number.